“Or you could see her at the party. I’m sure she’ll be there. Maybe. A lot of the bigwigs and hotshots like her will be there.” Joyride remarks, fluffing Emerald’s hair.
Emerald is surprised but happy he might see her. Is Hope really that important though?
“Whether she likes it or not, she is from an important family and is well connected. I have no doubt she is under lot’s of pressure to attend, considering what the party is about.” Joyride says, tugging at one of the colt’s dress sleeves to straighten it.
Emerald asks what the party is about.
“A fundraiser for Ponycare. It’s being thrown by Marquess Chaser at his mansion up near the castle.” Joyride says, then straightens the crown she made lean by fluffing his hair.
Emerald nods with a small frown. He’s concerned he might be recognized.
“Maybe? I don’t know. We can just make up a story. You can be my cousin or the like. I guess we could do more. Did you say you wanted a mane cut or something? We should probably get some make-up on you too. Hmm…” Joyride says, finally stepping back and looking Emerald over again.
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