He gets the idea of maybe tying together the bed sheets and slipping down, but as he moves back towards Praline’s room he hears voices from below his hooves.
“Hey, do you think what the kid said was true?” One deep, male voice says.
“What do you mean?” a different one says.
“Didn’t you hear them from inside? Do you think the Jewels are… You know, doing stuff to the boy?”
“How should I know? It’s not like it’s our business either way.”
“Yeah but~~”
“Look, I’d rather be here chasing some kid around with the promise of a huge reward than be sent out west. Quit talking about it, you are going to get us in trouble.”
After that there is silence. While he isn’t sure exactly where the ponies are, Emerald is sure he couldn’t climb down from this area without the ponies seeing.
What does Emerald do?
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