Name: Daisy Ink
Age: 16
Gender: Agender
Birthday: September 6th
Rank: Cloudsdale tattoo artist
Physical Description
Coat: Light orange
Mane: Light pink with orange tips
Tail: Light pink
Cutiemark: A star with a swirl inside of the star and the star has wing bones coming out of it
Accessories: Black triangle earrings and black eye shadow
Magic User: No
Abilities: can make awesome tattoos, fly’s about the same as Spitfire (Mom), and can also talk to creatures of the night
Strengths: Night, Flying, Art
Weaknesses: Day shifts, Not being able to fly, School
Personality Traits
Bullet; Green : Kind-hearted
Bullet; Green :Naturel speedster
Bullet; Green : Creative
Bullet; Yellow : Forgetful
Bullet; Yellow : flirt
Bullet; Yellow : Under aged drinker
Bullet; Red : Hot-headed
Bullet; Red : Secretive
Bullet; Red : Rebels
Relationship key:
Bullet; White ll No opinion / neutural
Bullet; White Bullet; White ll Acquaintance
Bullet; Green ll Friend
Bullet; Green Bullet; Green ll Good Friend
Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green ll Best Friend
Bullet; Blue ll Ex-Crush
Bullet; Blue Bullet; Blue ll Pity For
Bullet; Blue Bullet; Blue Bullet; Blue ll Ex-Mate
Bullet; Purple ll Distant relative
Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple ll Relative
Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple ll Close Relative
Bullet; Pink ll Small Crush
Bullet; Pink Bullet; Pink ll Average Crush
Bullet; Pink Bullet; Pink Bullet; Pink ll Major Crush
Bullet; Yellow ll Suspicious
Bullet; Yellow Bullet; Yellow ll Questionable
Bullet; Yellow Bullet; Yellow Bullet; Yellow ll Interested in / Curious about
Bullet; Red ll Lust
Bullet; Red Bullet; Red ll Love
Bullet; Orange ll Respect
Bullet; Orange Bullet; Orange ll Fear
Bullet; Orange Bullet; Orange Bullet; Orange ll Terrified of
Bullet; Black ll Slight Hatred
Bullet; Black Bullet; Black ll Wants Dead / loath
Star! ll Family by choice
Heart || Dating
Rose || Married
Fluttershy (Mom): Bullet; Red Bullet; Red/Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple/Bullet; Orange Bullet; Orange/Bullet; Green/ “Hey mom, I’m going to my night shift at my ‘job’, so I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye love you!”
Spitfire (Mom): Bullet; Red Bullet; Red/Bullet; Orange/Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple/Bullet; Green/ “Yo ma, hows mom? How was your day at work? Did you out fly uncle Sorin again and want to brag about it? Yep, I new you would.”
Spiked Diamond: Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green/Bullet; Orange/ “Hi Spikey what’s up marefriend?”
Dawn Light: Bullet; Green Bullet; Green/Star”
Cursed Night: Bullet; Pink Bullet; Pink Bullet; Pink/Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green/Bullet; Red/ “Yeah, I guess your hot…” Blushes red