
There are 31 foals in the picture.

safe2259455 screencap293998 alula681 apple bloom64377 aquamarine189 aura (character)341 boysenberry223 bubblegum brush36 button mash5019 carrot crunch46 cheerilee11773 cotton cloudy525 cupid (character)42 diamond tiara12933 dinky hooves4948 first base420 gallop j. fry249 lily longsocks481 liquid button93 little red171 liza doolots689 noi834 peach fuzz306 petunia689 pipsqueak3426 piña colada483 ruby pinch1491 scootaloo62420 shady daze446 silver spoon8623 snails5900 snips4680 super funk192 sweet pop73 sweetie belle60633 tootsie flute694 tornado bolt448 train tracks (character)225 twist3285 earth pony630372 pony1925827 crusaders of the lost mark1808 applecore194 colt20349 cutie mark crusaders23315 foal48346 male514403 ponyville schoolhouse792 swing894


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Anonymous #CDD2
Noi and Dinky Doo are best friends. Ruby Pinch and Peach Fuzz are best friends. Aura and Twist are best friends.