Well, anywhere in particular you want to go? I asked Aerith. She shrugged and we continued through the yard, passing by a few ponies. A large crane stood overhead, the gears that moved the beam having long ago been ruined by rust and repeated winter freezing. As we continued along, Aerith tapped me on the shoulder and pointed over to a small building. As we changed our course towards it, I could read the paint on a rusted sign hanging from the upper deck of the shack. Triage: Maple Station Outpost We trotted up the steps, kicking a bit of snow through the gaps to let it fall to the ground below us.
Stepping inside, we were greeted by a small track switching station that had been converted into an office, desks shoved up against the wall, a coffee maker bubbling away on a small table. A mare sitting at one of the desks looked up from her computer, her eyes magnified by the thick glasses balanced precariously on the tip of her nose. Hello? Can I help you? She pushed her glasses up her nose, blinking a bit as she tried to focus on us.