Thunderlane, Cloudchaser and their daughter Icy Dusk.
Tunderlane and Cloudchaser were pretty good friends all their lives. They went through school together, joined the Ponyville Weather team together and eventually married. They had their daughter Icy Dusk, several years after they married. The little mare was always the smallest in her class, and that made her a target for bullies. She tried not to let it bother her but her father was having none of if. He taught her how to fight, and sent her to Twilight Sparkle’s School for Gifted Foals to train. She really learned the magic of her race, becoming the lead weather pony in hardly any time. She’s a punk rock lover, and often listens to it while she works.
Icy Dusk
Personality: Smaller than most, but makes up for her lack of height with agility and magic ability. Despite her tough exterior she’s actually a very sweet mare who loves flying and weather, especially snowstorms and hail.
Cutie Mark: A tornado (The design on her wings, neck, back and legs are actually tattoos. It took quite a bit of pain to get them on her wings and so close to not only her spine but the rather sensitive cutie mark area.)
Occupation: Lead weather pony, occasional singer in a small punk band, occasional town guard.
Tunderlane and Cloudchaser belong to Hasbro
Icy Dusk belongs to me