“Tal y como anunciamos, los que os pasasteis por nuestro stand en la VII Japan Weekend Madrid 2014 y por la meetup, pudisteis ver el cartel con el logo de Summer Wrap Up Festival 2014, creados ambos por Jimmytrius. Pasado el evento, os disponemos el cartel para que podis ver tambin desde internet el resultado.
La fecha y el lugar de su celebracin siguen pendientes an. Manteneos atentos a futuras novedades.”
google translate:
”As already announced , you who you passed by our booth at the Seventh Japan Weekend Madrid 2014 and the meetup, could you see the sign with logo Wrap Up Summer Festival 2014 , created both by Jimmytrius . After the event , we have the poster so you can also see from the internet the outcome.
The date and place of the meetings are still pending . Remain tuned for future developments .“