Amber: Perfect. sits on couch and pulls the foal by her
Hot Head: I-is she gonna be okay?
Amber: It looks like it. She just needs to be kept warm……… and fed! Oh my gosh, what do we give her?
Hot Head: W-we have milk in the fridge
Lucky: That won’t do any good. Foals usually nurse or have formula right?
Amber: Right…….. I guess we Oh!
Lucky: Huh?
Amber: I’m really sorry but there’s nothing in there, sweetheart.
Hot Head: looks away
Amber: pauses O-oh…… or maybe there is? What the
Lucky: Amber, are you…. pregnant?
Amber: NO! I’m not!
Lucky: But, you shouldn’t be able to nurse otherwise. Right?
Amber: Not necessarily……… Must be the clovers I’ve been eating
Lucky: ….. They can do that?
Amber: Mmhm. Lots of photoestrogens
Lucky: Weird. Well, she’s fed. So what now?
Amber: Hm…. We should definitely get her to a doctor. It’s way too cold now though. I think the best thing to do is keep her here overnight and then take her to the hospital first thing tomorrow morning.
Lucky: Sounds good
Foal: stops nursing and begins to cry
Amber: pulls foal into her arms O-oh no, I’m sorry. I don’t have any more……… Maybe we should leave as soon as this storm lets up. I don’t think I have enough food for her.
Hot Head: What do you mean? You have to!
Amber: It’s not like I’m this filly’s actual mother. My body wasn’t prepared to have to take care of one.
Hot Head: groans Is she gonna be okay then?
Amber: I hope so. I’ll just keep trying to get her to nurse until we can leave. You two can go to bed. I’ll wake you up when it looks safe to go. I’ll probably need help that’s why.
Lucky: Alright. C’mon Hot Head
Hot Head: ……. mmkay
Lucky and Hot Head go upstairs
Amber: sighs You’re gonna be just fine. I promise
Foal: makes baby noises
Amber: How in Equestria could your parents just throw you away? You’re so precious.
Foal: gurgles
Amber: And beautiful. Just look at you. You look like an angel. Oh and your wing! It’s got a little gold feather
Foal: grabs Amber’s face
Amber: Nnngh…. I wanna keep you so badly. But….. I’m sure you’ll find a great family in no time. There’s no way child services would let me adopt a newborn at my age…….. are you even listening?
Foal: ……..
Amber: lifts up foal’s mane and chuckles Looks like you’re all tuckered out. Get some rest, this is just the beginning kisses her on the forehead
Amber: Hello, doctor
Doctor: Hello my dear. What brings you here? You’re not working right now are you? I thought you left for home a few hours ago
Amber: I did, but on the way, Hot Head Lucky and I found this foal. Her parents weren’t anywhere in sight
Doctor: Oh my, we’ll get her checked out immediately! waves a nurse down This foal needs a post-birth eval right now. Go ahead and get started
Nurse: nods and takes foal from Amber
Foal: begins crying as she’s taken away
Amber: I …………. oh….
Doctor: Why did it take you so long to bring her here?
Amber: …….. Huh? O-oh, we didn’t think she’d make it if we took her all the way back here from where we found her with the storm and all. Our house was closer
Doctor: Did she seem to be okay after you brought her home?
Amber: nods She was just really cold and hungry. We kept her warm and fed her. Afterwards she seemed just fine. It was a miracle.
Doctor: And what did you feed her?
Amber: ……… I fed her…… “naturally”.
Doctor: …… Ah
Amber: Another sort of miracle I guess, huh?
Doctor: Indeed. Well, we promise that we’ll do our best to take care of her
Amber: Thank you
Doctor: Y’know, if her parents don’t come to pick her up and if we don’t find any records of her, she’ll need a name. I think it’d be fitting if you were the one to think of it.