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Requested pairing: Vinyl X Octavia
I’ve actually had this pairing on the back burner for a while. It’s honestly one of my favorites, so let me introduce to you Broken Record. The son of Vinyl and Octavia.
The pair met in Canterlot at the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor. Octavia played the ceremnoy, Vinyl the reception. Vinyl was the one who made the first move, asking Octavia on a date after the party died down. Both music lovers they spent their first date talking about the subject. After a few months they decided they would move in together, but Octavia’s place in Canterlot was too small and Vinyl didn’t want to leave Ponyville, so Octavia moved down to Ponyville. By the time Tirek’s escape two years later, they were married and Octavia was pregnant with their first and only foal. Broken Record was named by Vinyl for his repetitive crying which was quote “Like a broken record”. He grew up in a musical household, it’s not a surprise he grew up to be a musician. His music is mostly pop, but he has a taste for pretty much all types of music. He has a very unique sense of fashion, fairly Gothic. He wears a type of corset, and loves to stand out. (I based his fashion off of Adam Lambert a little… okay a lot…)
Broken Record:
Personality: A very musically inclined stalion with a passion for his work. He’s been a singer since he was old enough to carry a tune. He also plays several instruments, including the cello like his mother. He’s good friends with Cancion de Amor, the country singer. They’ve even done a few tours together.
Cutie Mark: A record split in two.
Occupation: Popular musician and entertainer, works in his mother’s club sometimes.
MLP Belongs to Hasbro