Prism: Hey Star
Starbust: oh… hi prism..
Prism: Uhm, are you alright?
Star: of course…
Prism: well.. so tell that to your face
star looks angry to prism
Prism: …just kidding… but serious, what happens?
Star:… I, uhm I’m the weakest pony in all equestria, I intend to be in the royal guard, but there are times that I’m not keeping up …
Prism:… what do you think that?
Star: ….are you kidding me? right? are you blind? just look at me
Prism: I see you… and i don’t see nothing wrong with you
Star: don’t you understand? anybody take me serious from my height, all in the royal guard think i’m weak that is the reason why i’m never going to be a royal guard, don’t you see….. i’m nothing, for everybody i’m just… the daughter of the princess twilight sparkle and that is everything she say angry
Prism: … I don’t think that, your friends don’t think that, even your fathers don’t think that
Star: just leave me alone prism.. She started to walk away
Prism: Star… oh c’mon
Star: Go away, i want to be alone
Prism: yeah… but not me
Star: so.. go with another girl, but leave me alone she say angry
Prism: you really think i’m going to leave you alone? my mother is the element of loyalty
Star: Aaaaaand?
Prism: and that means… he stands in front of her ….as your friend I will not leave you alone
Star: you know what? do whatever you want, i don’t care Starbust keeps walking
Prism: c’mon prism she need your help….ha! i got it!
Star: What the f*ck are you doing?! put me down!
Prism: no! i want to show you something
Star: put me down now!
Prism: no, look around!
Star: What am I supposed to see? i don’t get it
Prism: Don’t you understand, even in that height there is not a diference, everything is the same… the height is not what makes you a strong pony
he put star down
Prism: the thing that makes you strong is this put him hoof on her ….your heart is what makes you strong
Star: Prism…the heart is in the left
Prism: what? is in the left? now i understand my teacher
Star: ?
Prism: nevermind, so now you aren’t sad?
Star: now, i’m fine
Prism: yeah! that is my star!
Star: blushes Please never say this again
Prism: Okay…so…… you wanna race? because I do, c’mon let’s race! he started to fly away
Star: and… that’s is my prism…. She start to follow him
finally i submit my entry for the contest of the amazing :iconkilala97:
I think this dialogue is more Prism x Starbust
I don’t speak english, so if this dialogue have some mistakes, please notice me in the comments, thanks
Prism, Starbust Kilala