Nighty: Why? I’m just watching you dance
Starburst: I said get out!
Nighty: No way! You can’t tell me what to do!
Starburst: Yeah I can. I’m older and bigger.
Nighty: Sure you’re older but you’re not much bigger than me
Starburst: flares wings
Nighty: You’re only bigger because of your fat wings!
Starburst: That’s it! tackles
Nighty: Get offa me, munchkin!
Starburst: Get out of my room, wimp!
Nighty: Dumbo!
Starburst: Bookworm!
Nighty: Short stack!
Starburst: Know it all!
Nighty: Snob!
Starburst: Nerd!
Twilight: What is it, Nighty?
Nighty: Star is assulting me again!
Starburst: Tattle-tale
Twilight: Starburst, leave your brother alone!
Starburst: He provoked me!
Nighty: Did not!
Starburst: Did so!
Twilight: Sweet, Celestia these two… Both of you stop right now or you’re losing privileges! Starburst, you can’t go to Sweet Apple Acres for your workouts and Nighty, you’ll be banned from the library for a week!
Both: But Mom! That’s not fair!
Twilight: Then quit fighting and leave each other alone!
Both: Fiiiiiiiiiinnnne