nickname: rummy, swizzle
gender: mare
age: 24 (human years)
birthday: april 1st
type: earth pony
cutie mark: a slice of orange and a cherry
talent: making cocktails, juice and smoothies
nationality: originally from maremuda (bermuda)
occupation: owns her own bar / club
location: lives in a loft above the bar, in ponyville
likes: dancing, music, fruit, drinks, mixing cocktails, bright colours
dislikes: grumpy ponies, buzzkills, silence
fears: nothing in particular, though not very fond of animals
family: molotov cocktail and hot wheels are like family to her, even if they’re not related
special somepony: has a fling with limeheart twist
sexual orientation & relationship status: single & bi
positive characteristics: charismatic, energetic, kind, joyful, flirtatious, open-minded
negative characteristics: loud, can get annoying, doesn’t know when to stop
voice actor: not decided yet