“Whoa, thats not at all something that my mind wouldnt come up with to hallucinate,” the green dragon sarcastically replied, still chewing away at his gem. “Thats way too generic and convenient.
Spike rose up to emphasize his point, Well if that isnt enough, we were fighting this short diamond dog who could use magic to summon bigger green diamond dogs, because he wanted to capture us for some unknown reason, but hes been doing that already, and all the dragons are missing, and us three are on a quest to find out what happened to them, and possibly save them, because my fire breath can somehow counter the mini-diamond dogs magic, so it must be like destiny or something, and youre supposed to know how to get out of here so we can do something about it! Spike was almost ranting at this point, desperately trying to convince the green dragon to believe him and not think he was some figment of his imagination.
“Cool story bro,” the green dragon replied nonchalantly.
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