The two young dragons screamed in fear as they jumped up backs against the wall.
“W-w-w-w-what is that thing?” Spike shouted.
“I dont know! But weve got to get out of here!” Sharp shouted back.
Before the two could come up with a plan of escape the demon dog rushed up to the pair. It was deceptively quick, can took hold of the blue dragon in its large glowing paws. It held him up firmly against the wall of the cave.
Immobilized, Sharp did the only thing he could, and shrieked as his flailing was ineffective in releasing the demon dogs grip.
On the other side of the cave, Spike was given a split second decision to make between two choices. He could either make a break for the entrance and run as fast as his legs could take him with the demon dog distracted by Sharp. He didnt know what the demon was capable of. Hed only known the dragon for a day, an chances he would never see him again after tomorrow, so considering Spikes best interest, running away would be the smart choice.
But Spikes never been known for making the smartest choices.
In that split second he saw that his new friend was in danger, and despite not knowing the capabilities of the demon dog, he wasnt going to abandon a friend to save his own hide.
“YOU LET MY FRIEND GO!”, Spike shouted. He dashed toward the demon dog, winded up a punch, and leaped.
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