For a while I’ve been working on a remake/parody of Dragonstrike with the CMC (along with Spike) playing a table top RPG called Trouble Seekers. Along with it, I am also working on an actual RPG setting for Trouble Seekers to go with it. The RPG itself is based on an alternate version of Equestria where Earth Pony are replaced with Humans, Unicorns are replaced with Elves, and Pegasi are replaced with winged humanoids called Valkyireons.
~Scootaloo is a Valkyrion that specializes in piloting, hacking, picking locks, and infiltration. She also has high acrobatics and dodge skills.
~Sweetie Belle is an elven member of the mage guild specializing in attack magic, healing, and song magic.
~Applebloom is highly skilled in weapon craft and repair, and has some artistic skills with said weapons. She specializes in gunslinging and Bushido.
(By the way, these characters are rolled up for them for their first game by none other than Twilight.)
I haven’t erased the pencil lines yet, as I just wanted to preview the work for this so far. I hope to get the story itself done soon, as it’s about 75% finished.