Here’s what I wrote in the description.
“This is the full dialogue that inspired me:
Twilight Sparkle: Hello? Where am I? What is this place?
Princess Celestia: Congratulations, Twilight. I knew you could do it.
Twilight Sparkle: Princess… I don’t understand. What did I do?
Princess Celestia: You did something today that’s never been done before, something even a great unicorn like Star Swirl the Bearded was not able to do, because he did not understand friendship like you do. The lessons you’ve learned here in Ponyville have taught you well. You have proven that you’re ready, Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: Ready? Ready for what?
Notice something funny? Celestia never actually answers the question! What, pray tell, did Twilight do that has never been done before? A whole lot of “something”, apparently. Did she write a new spell? That’s been done thousands of times. Did she make friends? Plenty of ponies have done a whole lot of that. Whatever she did, it was apparently worthy of sprouting wings and being declared another ruler of Equestria. Crazy.”