Name: Sierra
Middle name: None.
Last name: BrightHeart
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Pony Type: Unicorn
Career: Love matchmaking
Talent: Making ponies fall in love with others and fixing relationship.
Cutie Mark: Two heart side by side with four stars around them. Sierra BrightHeart
Family: Rhythm(Sister Rhythm Harmonica BrightHeart), her parents(Mother Diamond Stars (Ms. BrightHeart,Father) In progress), Lydia(Cousin), Morning Spring(Cousin Morning Spring), Fancy(Cousin Fancy (Sketch)) and Belle(Cousin Belle).
Best friend(s): Juliet and Roxanne.
Born/Home: Canterlot
Boyfriend: None.
How she got her cutie mark: When Sierra was just a filly, she accidently walked to her parents when they were fighting. When her mother said she was going to leave, because she was sick of everything, Sierra burst in and helped them sorting out their differences, fixing their relationship and earning her cutie mark!
Likes: Sierra, as funny as this sounds, likes to create drama around her. Making other’s life take a bad turn just so she can have somepony come to her for help. She also like to go to lots of parties and create more friendship through drama.
Dislikes: She doesn’t like all things related to music, thinking that it is a waste of time, as well as being a painting artist or anything related.
Personality: Sierra is sometimes crude and rude, but she tend to apologize for it afterwards. Although she thinks being any kind of artist is a waste of time, she still respect their special talent(The only artist she actually likes is Countess Coloratura). Sierra is simple and sometimes complicated, she never really make up her mind on whatever she wants and tend to get angry when others ponies gets frustrated towards her.
History: Sierra was born in Canterlot into a rich family. She was always her mother’s favorite and was treated like a princess. Everything she did wrong was always alright and she never really learned how to be nice to other ponies, she was following her mother’s exemple and still does. Although, she might think otherwise and try to change in the future. She still live with her parents, but is searching for a nice new home soon.
Mane: Carmine Red/Scarlet Red
Skin: White
Eyes: Sky Blue
Cutie Mark: Pink with white little stars
Hat: Red/Orange/Yellow
Sierra belongs to Rhythm-is-best-pony (me)
Art by Rhythm-is-best-pony (me)
Enjoy xxx