Ro994 :
Day 3 - WarmI never quite forgave Hasbro for not making Flash Sentry, A.K.A. the guy whose Equestrian counterpart is a royal GUARD, a lifeGUARD in the beach shorts/special. Like, I get it, Hasbro. You hate him. WELL GUESS WHAT! I’m just gonna ignore canon and make him a lifeguard anyways. How’s that? And I bet HE wouldn’t use his girlfriend as a human shield. Just saying, his cutie mark is an ACTUAL shield, soooooo…ANYWAAAAAAAYS in this scenario, Twilight had an accident near the water and got several scrapes. Thankfully Flash saved the day, as always, and attended her before carrying her to safety. She happy now.Let’s just ignore the fact that I have absolutely no idea on how to do wet hair. Please.On a side note, I’ve noticed that all the other entries we’ve gotten for today so far are winter-themed, and then there’s me, with a whole freaking beach scene x’D I find that hilarious.
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