Hint: there are three things wrong with this picture.
(Note: First time trying an exaggerated face to convey the emotion. Hope i did well enough.)
ok, I think enough time has passed for me to give out the answers.
The first is that flash can bloody fly, and don’t really need twilight to reach for the bucket.
The second joke is about her height. since everyone knows she used to be way shorter, and Flash loves to tease his Twiggly-Wiggly about how big she has gotten.
That might not sound like much of a joke, untill you realise that the Third, and biggest little brain fart on Twilights side,(which i’m surprised no one commented on is that she’s always had bloody MAGIC! and did not need to reach for the bucket at all. Long legs or no.
Its all about how Flash words his question, and Twilight only realizing after a second how he has played her.
It shows that flash realy knows how to push Twilights buttons.