
There were once many magic mirrors that could create foal clones of any pony who looked within, but most were lost to time after Dream Valley was abandoned. One cracked mirror, however, remained, and it was discovered that it could create a foal of any two ponies who aligned themselves in just the right way. It was this mirror that Applejack and Rainbow Dash used to produce their foals when the time came.
White Cider is Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s first foal. She has the build and power of an earth pony and large wings, making her a powerful endurance flyer. She is loyal and hardworking, her pride in the work she does on her family’s farm, though it mostly comes in the form of creating fair apple-producing weather. She isn’t very competitive as an athlete, but she won’t let anypony outdo her when it comes to her chores.


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