I made this as a gift to BerryPunchrules/Background is Best Pony , my best bestie!:3 So,here are Aria Blaze and Paisley in my story A Dazzling Flower.
I made a dialogue.
“The Dazzlings were in the music room. They sang the lyrics again.It was boring.
Aria:sigh Why are we repeating this again?It’s so boring!
Adagio:Do I really have to tell you again that some of us didn’t have time to learn the lyrics.
Aria:Pfft,yeah. I’m wondering who is that idiot?looks at Paisley,then smiles
Paisley:Hey!glares at Aria
Aria:now looking innocent What?
Paisley:being sassy At least,I’m that useless member who only know to complain on everything.
Adagio:shocked face
Golden:grinning,thinking:“Oohh,this will end in tears!’
Aria:shocked,but furious face What did you say?!
Paisley:tries to speak,but stutter,thinking:“Oh no!” I..um…
Aria:smirking I just can’t wait to tell Val what you said. Let’s gonna see his reaction!
Paisley:speaking,yet stuttering No!I-I said n-nothing…
Aria:smirking Better.touches Paisley’s face with her hand Oh, just look at this pathetic girl!She’s such a big crybaby!I’am not even surprised that Val doesn’t even like you!You’re such a pathetic crybaby!mean laugh
Paisley:trying to hold her tears and stutter N-no…
Aria:mean smirk What?Oh Paisley, believe me ,Val doesn’t love you, he hates you. He loves me !evil giggle
Paisley:slowly begin to broke …sniff…begins to cry
Aria:evil smirk What?Do you still love him?What a shock!
Paisley:sniff,sniff I-I…
Adagio:angry sight and tone Enough Aria!
Aria:shocked face What?
Adagio:still angry I said leave her alone!
Sonata:angry Yeah,leave her alone, you meanie!
Aria:Pfft.Whatever.leaves the music room along with Golden who is really shocked and mad at Aria
Adagio:worried looktouches Paisley’s shoulder** Hey,are you alright?
Paisley:nods,starts to cry hard and hugs Adagio…
Adagio:first shocked,then smiles warmly and pets Paisley’s back It’s okay,dear, we’re here.Aria’s gone.giving a sad look at Sonata,then whispers at her What are we gonna do Sonny,Aria is becoming meaner day by day.What are we gonna do?
Sonata:serious-sad look Ah’ don’t know, Dagi.But this is not our first problem now.pats Paisley’s back and shoulder tooWe need do be stronger now.For her.
Adagio:serious look Yeah.
Paisley:sniff Girls?
Sonata and Adagio:Yeah?
Paisley:still crying and sniffing a little, but now smiling and hugging both Sonata and Adagio Thank you,girls…!
Sonata and Adagio:looking at each-other smiling warmly and patting Paisley’s back You’re welcome.
But what Aria didn’t now is that Paisley wasn’t alone.Now, despite what happened,now she has friends.She’s not alone anymore.”
Enjoy it!~CartoonGirl