However, those ponies, who get to know her well, understand sooner or later, that Amber is much more serious and smart, than she may seem. Although the young unicorn is really naive girl, but it can also be called a part of her philosophy. Amber doesn’t want to accept cruelty, cynicism and indifference as a part of the world.
Naive? Yes.
Will other ponies try to use such person for their own purposes? Of course.
Such attitude really brings Amber many troubles, which could be easily avoided, if Amber was more cold-minded, but at the same time, she is one of the most kind-hearted ponies in Canterlot, who will always care and will never reject whose in need.
What about her absent-mindness - Amber Earring tries to fight it as she can, but it doesn’t always works…
“Hmm” - Amber Earring chewed her writing feather, - “now to make up the last line, which will give the first act most striking finale! Mmm, line, line, line…”
“Well, hello there!” a stallion’s voice reached Amber’s ears, - “What does so cute, sexy filly doing here all alone?”
“Alone, alone,” - repeated the young mare pensively, keeping her eyes glued on the paper, - “no, it doesn’t fit the rhyme…”
“Wait, I meant…”
“Meant… yes, good concluding word! I’ll note it.”
“Ah, forget it, there are many other mares at the beach…” - the owner of the voice left, although it left Amber’s attention absolutely, - “how about,” - she kept on writing, - “ugh, what’s wrong with this feather? Why doesn’t it write anymore?!” - she looked at her writing tool with annoyance, - “I’m talking to you, mr. feather!”
“I think it is because you are using your lemonade instead of ink, my mistress.”
“Woah… why do you have female voice, mr fea..” - Amber blushed hard and turned her head to the mare with a short reversed-rainbow coloured mane, that was standing next to her, - “oops, sorry Rainy. I know that feathers don’t talk, I was lost in my thoughts a bit,” - she giggled bashfully.
“I kinda noticed that,” - nodded the daughter of famous Rainbow Dash.
Amber Earring looked at her glass of lemonade.
“Yeah, it explains all. But there is my inkwell then?”
“You were about to take a drink from it.” - answered Rainfall.
“Oh… my.”
“Amber, I don’t know how to tell you, but… where is your swimsuit?”
“What do you mean, where is…” - she looked down, - “YIKES!!!”
“Here,” - Rainfall covered her friend with a towel, - “did you take it off?”
“N-no. It was on me all the time.”
“Then how did it happen?”
“I d-don’t know, Rainy…”
“It means,” - young pegasus mare “facehoofed”, - “you didn’t even notice how somepony took your bikini. Right. From. Your. Body,” - she sighed, - “I left you alone for only five minutes!”
“I’m s-sorry, R-rainy. I’ll try to b-be more careful next time.”
“Try, please. I won’t always be around,” - Rainfall sighed again, - “alright, now wait here, I’ll try to find it and bring back…”