“You hate my Daddy.” Applejack frowned down at the girl. “So you hate me…don’t you…”
“Now why would you think that?!” Applejack sat across from the filly on the floor. “Honey…ah don’t hate you. Not one bit!”
“Then WHY d’you hate my Daddy? Is it cuz he’s a unicorn? Cuz…cuz if it is-“
“It ain’t cuz yer a unicorn,” Applejack laughed, “Why some of my best friends are unicorns! It’s cuz…well…yer Daddy…” She bit her lip. “Look ah just want y’t’know that ah ain’t mad at you and ah don’t hate you at all.” She beamed, smiling softly. “Look! Ah got a present for yah.”
Arkansas tilted her head softly. The orange pony held out a big pink ribbon to her. “What’s that?”
“This, little filly, was your Mama’s,” Applejack said proudly, “Her bow. Ah thought maybe…you’d like t’wear it.” Arkansas played with her braids.
“Ah like mah braids.”
“Well, we don’t have t’take those out,” Applejack said sweetly, “Here. Let’s do it like this.” Arkansas stiffened as Applejack threw the bow around her neck and tied it. “There we go.” Arkansas touched the bow softly, looking in the mirror. “Looks nice.”
“Thanks…” Applejack placed a hoof on Arkansas’ shoulder.
“You’re more yer Mama than yer Papa t’me,” she said softly, “Ah promise you. Ah’ll never yell about yer Pa again…okay?”
“And ah know we ain’t gonna be best friends right away. But…will yah give ol’ Auntie Applejack a chance?” Arkansas squinted.
“Good! Now, how’s about we join th’family fer a meal huh? Yer an Apple t’th’core sweetheart! Never ever forget that.” Arkansas nodded softly. Maybe this orange pony wasn’t…so terrible…maybe…
I actually like this picture :3 Applejack just wants her niece to feel comfortable. I don’t know if you guys noticed that Arkansas didn’t have Apple Bloom’s bow around her neck. Now she does! :3