Pinkie can’t keep herself upright any longer and falls on all fours, her neck gives a final stretch and bends, erecting comfortably between her modified spine. Her back changes and shifts and her legs adjust until she has a quadruped stance. The transformation finishes and now Pinkie Pie is a sapient, talking llama. “Wh… why? Why would you do this?” asks Pinkie, at the edge of tears. She contemplates… her life ruined, who knows for how long…Suddenly, she is interrupted by a talking, hyperactive and yellow alpaca who just came jumping from behind the serving bar.
“Oh, he would… and you WOOL. Get it? Get it?”
“I would laugh at your pun, if I were not mourning my lost humanity.”
“Awww, come on, it is not so bad, we will let you go once we have harvested your wool, 20 times, more or less…”
“WHAT! Why?”“Because it is very difficult to obtain fine wool anymore, and I need perfect, untreated, pink wool for my new line of products. You will be my finest and newest addition to my fields. Worry not, I will release you when the time is right… Meanwhile, feel comfortable with Paprika” says the man as he takes them both away.“We are SO going to be Best Friends, especially since I am the non-copyright, non-sue-able, fighting video-game version of you, Pinkie”