Next addition for my *Season 5 Episode Art!
Episode 9 - Slice of Life
For more info on my *MLP:FIM Season 5 Episode Art Streams
Episode 100 in total. Wow, just wow. That was… pretty great haha.
Really hard to make episode art for, though! So… many… choices.
To think that Hasbro wanted even more (and they were apparently the ones pushing a lot!)
I actually had a hard time getting started on anything. Then I went with some of the Gallpall options there. Planned to do speedy paintings, but… yea that didn’t really work out. (Sorry Vinyl and Octavia, maybe in the near future)
So I just kept going and ended with this.
Feels so weird haha, I tried to do some new stuff, which might not be the best thing to do for a single session piece on the Saturdays. Playing ground with Lyra and BonBon!
So yea, feels like one of those that feel not completely up to potential. But in the past it’s been shown I might also get a bit tunnel vision or bias against my own work (combined with it being a single session)
Anyhow, hope y’all enjoyed the episode (you probably did, didn’t you?)
PS: this will be included in my Patreon pack of June
Approx Time: 7-8 hours
Time Lapse: … I at least got the recording
*You can support me on my Patreon. Every little bit is much appreciated.
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