Luna: Its time to check your weight, Sis.Celestia: Oh has it been a week already?Luna: Yes. Now get on the scale.Luna: Hmmm. Congratulations, Sis. You’ve somehow
managed to put on two pounds. Care to explain?Celestia: Um I’m retaining sugar?Luna: We’ve been jogging every day for a week. You should be slimming
down by now. You haven’t been cheating on your diet have you?Celestia: Me? Of course not!Luna: You haven’t been sneaking desserts?Celestia: No cake has passed these lips!Luna: Well in that case, we obviously need to put you on a tougher
regiment. Three hours of jogging each day, starting today.Celestia: What! Well … now that I think about
it … I may have had one small slice of cake.Luna: Uh-huh.Celestia: I cant help it Luna! It goes straight to my thighs!
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