Twilight: Oh, hello Nighty! I wasn’t expecting a visit! Is something wrong?
Nighty: Nope. Just heard you had the day off and wanted to see if your were busy
Twilight: How sweet! I was actually supposed to spend the day with your father but he ended up having to work today. So I’ve just been reading
Nighty: Well that’s no fun. Ooh! I know! How about we go somewhere else and read. Together!
Twilight: That sounds great! It has been been a while since we’ve spent some quality time with one another.
Nighty: Great! So where do you wanna go?
Twilight: Hmmmm…. how about the Castle of the Two Sisters?
Nighty: Yeah! I haven’t been there in forever! Let’s get going then!
Twilight: Sure. Just let me grab a few things….. and oh! Should we invite your sister?
Nighty: …………..You’re kidding right?
Twilight: I most certainly am not.
Nighty: Do you reaaaaally think that Starburst is going to want to go with us……. to read.
Twilight: Well…. yeah. The poor thing’s been on bed rest for so long. Maybe she’d like a change of scenery and some company.
Nighty: Eh, I guess we could try……….
Twilight: Oh, Nighty, I’m so sorry. Did you want this to be just a mother-son thing? Because if you do, I could just
Nighty: No, no it’s fine. You and Star need to spend some time together as well. I know you two never really connected with Star doing her crazy guard stuff all the time. This is probably the perfect time for you to do something with her
Twilight: Thank you Night Light. I promise we’ll have another mother-son day soon.
Twilight knocks on Star’s door
Twilight: Star? Are you home? It’s mom and Night Light!
Star: Door’s open.
Twilight and Night Light step in and head to Star’s room
Nighty: Hey, sis
Twilight: Hi Star! How are you? It’s been a while.
Star: Hi. I’m fine, I guess
Twilight: Wow! Look at you! You’ve gotten so big
Star: That’s what happens when you’re pregnant. Fascinating, isn’t it. So what’d you two need?
Twilight: Just wanted to stop by and ask if you were busy
Star: ………..Does it look like I’m busy?
Nighty: Whoa, grumpy much?
Star: rolls eyes Well, I’m not busy. Sooo….
Twilight: O-oh great! So, um… We were wondering if you’d like to come to the Castle of the Two Sisters with us to just relax and read for a while
Star: ………… You’re kidding right?
Twilight: Not at all! I just thought you might like to get out for a little bit.
Star: And read?
Twilight: Sure. I’ve got some parenting and pregnancy books that you could take a look at. I mean your due date’s coming up soon, right? Maybe you’ll find some helpful information. Y-you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just an offer………
Nighty: rolls eyes You have no choice. You’re coming
Star: Why?
Nighty: Do you really have something better to do?
Star: ……….
Nighty: whispers to Star Look, mom really wants to spend some time with you. We’ll just be lying around in the castle for a few hours reading and talking and junk. Is that too much to ask for?
Star: …………………….. Sure. I’ll go
Twilight: Oh, great!
Star: One problem though. I’m on bed rest. I’m not supposed to be walking around at all and the castle is how far?
Twilight: That’s not a problem! Nighty and I could just lev
Star: I am NOT being carried. I don’t care if it’s magic.
Nighty: We could teleport then. That shouldn’t be too hard
Star: Alright then. What are you waiting for? Let’s go read. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay……
Nighty: Easy on the sarcasm. I could do with out it
Star: Sorry. Pregnancy hormones
Nighty: Tch, yeah right. You were just as moody before
Star: sticks tongue out at Nighty
Twilight: giggles Nothing’s changed
Quick digital painting. Hopefully it’s not too horrible. Especially the background.
Starburst and Twilight’s relationship is still a little rocky. At this point, Twilight gets nervous to ask Starburst to do anything since Star’s a hardass. They’re working on it tho
This dialogue just kinda leads into the picture. I’m too lazy to do the actual scene so you guys can go for it if you want :)