When Celestia saw the discord Discord cast upon Equestria, she could have easily turned a blind eye. Heck, she could’ve joined him! But she didn’t. Instead, she endeavored on a harrowing quest to save the ponies from their tormentor. Celestia owed no debt to the enslaved ponies of the Crystal Empire, but she attempted to free them from the tyrannical rule of Sombra all the same. And when Luna was driven mad by her own people’s negligence (plus some Nightmare forces), Celestia reluctantly banished her beloved sister on their behalf. And she continued to nurture and cherish those ponies for over 1,000 years, fostering one of the most successful nations in all of fiction.Celestia is the only significantly powerful creature in the history of Equestria to never use her magic for her own nefarious gain. They say power corrupts, but she’s not motivated by power, is she? So what does motivate Princess Celestia? How does she shield herself from her own power’s corruption? Love? Friendship? Duty? Cake? She’s very mysterious, that one. I hope she gets her own episode someday.I could keep going, but I’m going to stop now. I guess I just like Celestia. I am a sucker for the Guile hero trope.