Page 1139 - Simplicity ItselfAnd now we’ve hit the “Just do what I say already!” phase of the player group.
Spike: Alright, alright, obviously I can put together that there’s magic involved and you’re trying to stop it. But, uh, one question. Why is everyone acting so… weird?
Rainbow Dash: Speak for yourself.
Twilight Sparkle: That’s a really good question, Spike. Wish I knew.
Spike: So… why have you all come back? To regroup?
Twilight Sparkle: We’re looking for the Elements of Harmony. We need them to stop Discord.
Fluttershy: Assuming we’re even worthy of the Elements anymore.
Applejack: <roll> That’s exactly what Discord’s plan is.
Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, I know that! We need the Elements to cure you all first! They won’t work with us like THIS! And then we we kiss, make up, or whatever we have to do to become friends again, blast Discord, and then go back to our lives. It would be easy if you all would just DO IT!
Spike: Great pep talk, Twi.
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