Page 1110 - Debranching PathsThere was really only one way this was gonna go.
Twilight Sparkle: <sigh> Okay, so based on what we learned before, Discord’s maze is constantly shifting behind the scenes, but he’s only minimally actively controlling it. It’s kind of an entity all its own, with the only rule being “be a chaotic hedge maze.”
DM: That’s what you learned from your encounter with the stranded royal guardsponies.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright. So then my theory is, the best way to navigate it is with pure chaos. Picking random directions purely on a whim. Pushing or cutting through walls. Going backwards sometimes, especially when it wouldn’t make sense. If we do those kinds of things, the maze should either get confused or, perhaps, respond positively and reward us with progress. Either way, playing it straight would just be wasting our time.
DM: That’s… Yeah. I think he would agree. I’d just need to confirm how long it takes to get to the center that way. Especially with you carrying a big “diamond.”
Twilight Sparkle: Well, right now we’re trying to find Rainbow Dash before she gets cursed.
Applejack: Too late; she’s already flyin’ away.
Twilight Sparkle: Well, I know that’s a lie. …Right?
DM: Erm, to my knowledge, the sky is clear of retreating blue pegasi.
Twilight Sparkle: “To your knowledge?”
DM: To be honest, it’s really about time I checked in with the other DM. Whether something happens on my end or his, I feel like we’re on the cusp of something significant.
Twilight Sparkle: So why’d you say that, AJ? Trying to jinx it into being false?
Applejack: …Y’ever feel like ya gotta make do with what ya got?
Twilight Sparkle: Fair enough.
Rainbow Dash: HEYYY! I’M BACK!
Mane 5: Huh?!?
Rainbow Dash: What’s with all the weird looks?
Twilight Sparkle: Y-You’re here?!
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I just said that.
Fluttershy: And… your character’s here?
Rainbow Dash: Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? And I’ve got great news. I decapitated Discord!
Mane 5: WHAT?!
Rainbow Dash: Welllll, more like I punched him in the face, which burst into whipped cream, then he grew a new head… But still, it was kinda awesome!
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