Page 643 - The Dream Job, Part 4No Mawlers Take Manehattan this week again, because 1) hellcold and 2) The Phantom Pain. But that should be mostly cleared up about now (the cold, that is; I’m still playing and probably streaming MGS5). It’s great that I’m getting better, though, because I get antsy when I feel like I’m not being productive enough. It’s why I have way more projects going on at once than I can reasonably maintain.
Fluttershy: T-T-T-T-The moon? We have to go up there to… enter the nightmare dreamscape so we can rescue Rarity?
Twilight Sparkle: Don’t worry, this is a first for me, too. I’m just as baffled.
Applejack: Finished taking inventory for the Equestrian Space Program. One rope.
Twilight Sparkle: And a ton of magic!
Princess Celestia: If we combine our strength, we can make this trip possible. But it starts with this humble rope.
Pinkie Pie: You’re going to LASSO the moon?!
Fluttershy: Oooh!
Princess Luna: Easy now… We can’t ask you to cross so many miles of open space. We have to bring it closer.
Rainbow Dash: Did… I hear you say that right?
Princess Celestia: Pull! Use your strength!
Applejack: I have a few obvious physics questions. Shouldn’t these two objects be getting crushed in each other’s gravity?
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, or… messing up the tides, throwing off orbits, and other… sciency stuff…
Pinkie Pie: Less lampshading, more moon-pulling, maggots!
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