Page 479 - Storytelling ToolsIf you haven’t already guessed, I’m a big fan of passing notes between the DM and players (with the obvious caveat that it shouldn’t cause backstabbing levels of paranoia (unless that’s the intended effect)). A little bit of secret information goes a long way to creating interesting character interactions, if your players are down for that.It’s possibly even easier over the internet, where you can send private messages at any time and no one has to maintain a poker face.
Rarity: Pardon me for interrupting, but… Well, my knowledge of Thieves is limited to the romantic image of the dashing rogue… <roll> 29 for Bluff.
DM: Proceed.
Rarity: All this talk has made me curious. Where exactly do you stand on the matter, Fancy Pants?
Fancy Pants: I suppose some context is in order… Alas, it’s quite a tale.
Rainbow Dash: Any chance we can get the Cliff’s Notes version?
Rarity: Can we not? I’d much rather hear the whole story.
DM: Hmmm. How about both? <scribble scribble> If you promise not to spoil it, here’s the short version.
Rainbow Dash: Neat. I’mma grab some snacks now.
Applejack: Wait! I wanna see that.
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