Page 176 - Mission DebriefIt’s a good thing this adventuring group has a close relationship with their authority figure. The tales of their exploits are small and manageable this way. The longer an adventuring party is away from civilization, the more ridiculous and unbelievable the tale they have to tell when they return. And if your DM is running a town full of skeptics… sigh
DM: When you report to Celestia that the dragon has been persuaded to leave the country, she congratulates you on your success… and asks if you, Twilight, have learned anything about the magic of friendship.
Applejack: Learned the magic of whatnow?
Twilight Sparkle: Right, you mentioned this before the session started.
Rarity: Interesting! You ARE technically in Ponyville on assignment, after all.
Twilight Sparkle: Exactly. Our unlikely friendship is the spark that activated the Elements of Harmony, so it’s worth studying.
Rainbow Dash: Wait, I don’t get it. We have to report on friendship after every adventure now? Isn’t that a little… y’know… sappy?
DM: Well… What would you rather do at the end of a session?
Rainbow Dash: DUUHHH. Tally the XP!
DM: You’re not leveling five times again. That’s not happening.
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