Page 166 - Wrath of GodI actually got to do some roleplaying at Everfree Northwest, funnily enough.On Saturday, a bunch of bronies got together for a quick Pathfinder encounter using blind-bag figurines as miniatures. I jumped in for another player and briefly took control of their Ranger, represented by the (non-glittery) Twilight Sparkle toy.And on Sunday, I got to play a very, very rules-light homebrew d6 system that was custom-tailored for roleplaying canon characters quickly. Out of the Mane Six, I chose to play as Applejack. The system was perfect for a fast and loose game between strangers in a limited time (being at a con and all), so I had a lot of fun.Overall, I’d say Everfree NW’s gaming room was a complete success.
SFX: (creeaak…)
DM: Oh, hey. Feeling better?
Fluttershy: Um, hi. I just wanted to see how everyone’s doing, and… Oh my.
Applejack: Uh, it’s not as bad as it looks?
Rarity: No, dear, it’s pretty much exactly as bad as it looks.
Twilight Sparkle: My plan… The dice hated my plan…
Rainbow Dash: How was I supposed to know the dragon was five levels higher than us??
Pinkie Pie: THIS is what happens when the DM smiles? Boy, I should’ve been paying attention!
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