Page 1316 - It’s a Franchise Now
24th Dec 2019, 6:00 AMAuthor: GreatDinnGuest Author’s Note: “I’m sure it’s fairly obvious where this might be going storywise, so let’s talk about something different!I find RPG stories really fascinating! It’s really neat to watch that fluid state between ‘Our characters did…’ and ‘Then We…’ You can really feel how invested everyone is in their experiences and the blurred lines made by our memories. For those couple of moments, our characters aren’t just fantasy, they’re us!Story Time is one of the things that hooked me to this comic. And I wanted to get that into this comic in some form or fashion, as a little tribute.”Newbiespud’s Note: And since we won’t be updating until the day after: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Twilight Sparkle: So, you loaned the pony notes out?
DM: We’d been talking on and off about the game for a while.
MD: Story Time is absolutely enthralling.
Twilight Sparkle: Story Time?
DM: Ha Ha anyways, what’s the problem?
MD: Well, I’m worried that my friends aren’t having fun. And if they aren’t having fun, then I’m worried that we’ll have to pack the game up for good.
MD: I keep giving them advice on things they can do and opportunities to do them, but they just seem…stuck.
MD: And bored.
MD: We’re all newbies. Well, I’ve played before, but this is my first time DM-ing. So, I guess I’m trying to make their first game as interesting as mine was.
MD: I just wanted to see if I could get some help from someone who knows what they’re doing.
Twilight Sparkle: This is sounding familiar.
DM: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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