Twilight: No problem. Anything for my best friend. (Places her hand on Sunset’s shoulder)
Rainbow: AJ? Have you been at the buffet again?
Applejack: Well… yeah. I gotta keep ol’ Bessie happy. (Pats and rubs her belly) Besides, I haven’t been eatin’ at that buffet anywhere close ta the amount of times as Pinkie over there. I hadn’t seen her leave the buffet until now and I think she had put on several hundred pounds.
Rainbow: No kidding.
Rarity: Oh, darn it all! I’ve spent over a whole hour at the shops and I hadn’t been to find a single dress that fits.
Fluttershy: It’s okay, Rarity. There’s nothing wrong with just wearing your swimsuit.
Rarity: Well, I guess you ri-
Twilight: Hey everyone. Let’s have a group shot.
Pinkie: Oooohh.
Twilight then asks a nearby staff member to take the picture. They all pose and the photo is taken.
Applejack: Darn it! I was blocked by everyone else’s fat.
Rarity: And you can barely see my face.
Pinkie: At least there’s a clear shot of me. :)
Everyone Else: Yyyyyyeeaahh.
Oh and in this picture, Twilight is 490 pounds, Sunset is 592 pounds, Rainbow is 125 pounds, Rarity is 740 pounds, Applejack is 560 pounds, Fluttershy is 105 pounds and, of course, Pinkie is the biggest out of all of them, at 910 pounds. I’ll go into more detail in the bios later on.