>You turn around to see Fluttershy crouching behind a trash can
>“May I, uh, borrow some….spare pants?”
>“Why? Because…. Well….”
>“You know how Principal Celestia got the school a new elevator?”
>“Well, I was standing too close to the doors, and when they closed, they caught my skirt…”
>“I tried to get the door open again, but it was no use”
>“The elevator went up, tearing my skirt to pieces.”
>“I can’t be seen showing off my p-panties!”
>You see the shy girl is wearing white panties, with hearts in them
>“Please Anon, the gym’s being used for volleyball practice, so I can’t get my gym shorts”
>“and you…”
>“you’re the nicest guy I know”
>“please Anon! Everyone will laugh at me if they see me like this!”
>“All I want are some pants! I promise I’ll give them back! I’ll even wash them for you!”
>She’s practically begging at this point
>What do?
From the wardrobe malfunction thread.