There had lived five goddesses, two that held power over the skies themselves, one who passion was unending, her daughter of hope, and one whose power may supersede all others.
All had their purpose, their place, and their subjects. But, one day, they had vanished. It was said the two went to their heavenly bodies in the sky, to watch down on their ponies but to not act as their leaders. The mother goddess had her heart broken after her lover passed away, her daughter searching for the last.
And so, our gods had left us.
Equestria, present:
The New Equestrian Republic, the largest and most populated nation of planet Gaea. Most of the planet is idyllicidyllic, in exception to a dark stain slowly spreading across equestrian land. A herd of ponies worshipping the Dark God, their influence has spread and begin to threaten the Republic.
After a particularly rocky introduction into intergalactic relations, Equestria itself seems to be sapped of life. The magic across all unicorns had decreased by 7.2%, due to the lack of need for it. Why levitate or teleport and strain yourself, when you could use technology? That included pegasi, most couldn’t land on clouds or manipulate weather at all. Earth ponies were not quite badly as effected, but with damage to the planet’s magical core due to mining and pollution, they had nearly lost their knack for agriculture. But seeing as ponies are quite innovative, they found a way. First Contact was actually a slaving warship bent on collecting creatures from Gaea as trophies, pets, or other unsettling things.
Twenty years past FC, The New Equestrian Republic had a new project backed by the Council, intent on being the perfect weapon. A being created likened to the old gods, powerful enough to vanish darkness. And After many, many attempts, they had succeeded.
Harmony, unofficially titled Princess, is the synthesized clone of the original Elements Bearers. Created to be perfect, she was raised on a diet of love and friendship dictated by the tomes heavily suspected to be the Magic God’s journal. Harmony was home-grown to be perfect in every objective way, however her life had been so sheltered she really doesn’t know what reality is, and what is truly expected of her. She is naive, her magic uncontrolled, and her head and heart filled with the hopes of centuries past.
May type more detail or do more with this AU later hahahahaha
I’ve wrote more in detail so lemme know if your interested