Page 1276 - Matched SetThe artifacts from Season 8 are simultaneously the most efficient and the most frustrating bits of lore-building for me. Three of them are only mentioned by name ONCE. In the entire season. Sure, their narrative roles are mostly self-explanatory in the end, but c’mon! If you’re looking for legendary artifacts to put in your pony-themed D&D game, here’s six of them! Fill in the blanks! Gah!
Ocellus (TS): The artifacts are the variable here. They have to be the key. Can we learn more about them.
DM: Roll me Hist–… Actually, I’ll just use Gallus’s Investigation roll.
Gallus (RD): Sure, ‘cuz I’m apparently a fountain of knowledge today.
DM: These legendary magical artifacts are from different cultures around the world, some given to Celestia as diplomatic gifts. Celesta in turn loaned them to the school. They were in a scavenger hunt earlier this year. They include: The Amulet of Aurora. The Helm of Yksler. The Talisman of Mirage. Clover the Clever’s cloak. Knuckerbocker’s Shell. And the Crown of Grover.
Smolder (RT): If I might skip to the last page here: They all correspond to the cultures WE come from, don’t they?
DM: Well, since your group contains the only non-pony students…
Smolder (RT): I think I know how we avoid blowing up the School.
Cozy Glow (offscreen): BLOW UP THE SCHOOL OF FRIENDSHIP?!?! How could you DO such a thing?!
Sandbar (AJ): …You were waiting for one of us to say that out loud, weren’t you?
DM: In-character, so was she.
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