And here’s the first few paragraphs of the fic so far, I’m still outlining where I want to go and a rough guess at size(hoping that I won’t get bored of writing this one) Story will be following Mac but there will be a few POV changes in later chapters when he meets up with Dash(and Shy). Story line is based on SombraShy so both ships are kinda key. Stupid sexy Sombra chin fluffy and crystal horn greatly inspired by the queen of Sombrashy herself Evehly
This is just a rough start, and by the time I actually post the fic I may have changed quite a but, so don’t be too surprised when I share that ^^
Sir McBiggen stared down at his orders with a deep frown, carefully reading over each work to be sure he wasn’t imagining what was being asked of him. He cleared his throat, turning to his troops. They all stood idly chatting oblivious to their new orders until his deep voice filled the air.
“We have new order from he king. He is seeking a specific bride that he’s seen through visions within his castle. We have been chosen to find and bring her to him, unharmed.”
Most of the stallions glanced around, the orders seeming simple enough until the black knight continued. Their relaxed posture soon becoming tight as they stood still.
“It is said that she has been lost from her family since the news of the kind taking a bride, and she’s been kept well hidden. This is a true test of your skills since no other stallion or mare that has looked for the princess has ever returned with her. All the king knows of her is that she’s a Pegasus.”
Sir Mac kept few details to himself from the scroll, including that she was lost within dragon territory, where mages were free to their magic, in the far reaches of land not yet claimed under the kings rule. He swallowed thickly, leading his troops to prepare, hoping that they would succeed quickly with as few casualty’s as possible.