
You might not get the job at the farm, but you can’t really go wrong with jeans and a shirt. It should be quick to make and simple enough to not be obtrusive, besides that fact you are a human. Goes well no matter what the job, and you might not have to dress specifically for one either.
Maybe if you tell her your dilemma, she’ll understand. “Humans aren’t supposed to be naked around the company of others… and all I have is this sheet.” She returns wearing spectacles.
“Oh, how inconsiderate of me. I should have realized when I saw what you had was for modesty, not a statement. If it makes you feel any better, I could put something on, or maybe it’ll help for me to remind you that I’m not wearing anything? Well, besides my working glasses…” You see her horn glow and a hat from a mannequin floats on top of her. “Better?”
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