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safe2260086 artist:pony-berserker1470 angel bunny11676 fluttershy274137 pegasus698780 pony1926333 rabbit9595 comic:fluttershy's new clothes2 20131636 annoyed7463 bit652 bits1350 caption23672 coin975 comic132649 critter15 crossed arms7473 dendrification83 dialogue99797 duo148542 english4047 eyes closed139139 facepalm563 fail1519 female1711942 fluttershy is a tree9 fluttertree479 frown36448 gone wrong21 i'd like to be a tree55 inanimate tf2351 inkscape2623 looking at each other35876 magic98642 mare925093 monologue363 onomatopoeia8734 open mouth246595 outdoors27721 poof266 raised hoof70443 raised leg40023 sigh599 sign5576 sitting95939 tack7052 transformation17454 tree51555 vector90885 well290 wish132 wishing16 wishing well21


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