Original Description:
Ha, ha, VERY funny…
Spike was sitting next to me, chuckling silently as he read a comic book. I glanced at him, rolling my eyes. Seriously sometimes he could be such a dork but I loved him to death. He’s my little brother. Well, technically he’s not related to me but my parents adopted him when I was about five years old so it feels like we’ve been in each other’s lives forever and I love him as if he were my biological little brother.
I’m surprised I haven’t drawn a Twilight and Spike drawing yet with the fact I’m an Equestria Girls artist and I have my own EqG design for Spike and all. I love their relationship. And as I’ve stated in Changed, which is what the italisized text in this description is from, Spike is Twilight’s adopted younger brother.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is (C) Hasbro Studios