Original Description:
“Do not fret. I can help you.”
Name: Jabori
Nicknames: N/A
Species: Zebra
Gender: Stallion
Pronouns: He/Him
Parents: Zecora and Asha
Sibling(s): N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual
Lover: Harmony
Occupation: Okomfo (Shaman)
Special Talent: Heal the sick, to communicate with the otherworld, and often to escort the souls of the dead to that otherworld.
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Date of Birth/Sign: December 15, Sagittarius
Place of Residence: Zecora’s Hut
Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark
Voice: Voice
Personality/Background: Jabori was born between his two mother Zecora and Asha, yes born. There are ways for same sex couples to have a child. Anyways when he came out albino they were very surprised. As he grew they could tell he had a special gift to talking with the souls of the dead, so they taught him how to be careful and to tell which spirits were bad and good. He had inherited both of his mothers gifts though, Zecora’s potion making and Asha’s ability to help the dead. Sadly though he didn’t pick up Zecora’s ability to rhyme, but he has his own charm. He and Harmony met when Harmony wandered to far into the Everfree Forest. He helped guide her to Zecora’s hut and the three made their way back to Fluttershy who was searching frantically for her. Soon the two started to hang out more and more and a friendship blossomed into a relationship.
Fun Facts: He talked with his first spirit at the age of 2. His cutie mark symbol means symbol of wisdom, creativity and the complexities of life in Adinkra. He can be a little sassy at times when talking to ponys.