This week’s comic is based on A Matter of Principals. I loved this episode! …Then again, I love every episode with Discord in it. It was neat to see him actually interact with the school for once, in combination with Starlight trying to keep things under control while the Mane 6 are away. It was an interesting setup that came with all the crazy antics I’ve come to expect. Though if Twilight’s school ever was accredited in the first place, it certainly wouldn’t be anymore considering all the disasters that have occurred up to this point.
Just so we’re clear: I’m not criticizing Starlight’s choice of substitute teachers. She was doing the best she could with the situation given to her, and even in spite of all the chaos she had to deal with, I think she performed admirably. And these are not bad ponies either; I love ALL of these characters! But literally no character in the show is without their flaws and quirks, and when I really thought about it, I’m not sure recruiting these 3 was really the “solution to all the school’s problems” that the episode seemed to be implying, even without Discord’s involvement. No matter what, Starlight was fighting an uphill battle; Discord just made it more fun.
Hope you are able to deal with whatever chaos is thrust upon you! Looking forward to… when I’m free to make the next comic, I guess!
The Great and Powerful Trixie, Spitfire, Maud Pie, Discord, Starlight Glimmer, and My Little Pony belong to Hasbro and DHX.