Original Description:
Meet Burning Centau :3
She is a constellation pony, who has came down from the stars in space all the way to Equestria.
The ruler of her own star system, she is someone who looks out for and cares for the ponies under her rule. She lost an eye during a battle of control for her system.
She is a kind hearted pony, who has taken it up on herself to look after and care for the young but powerful pony, Ophiuchus Zi. She knows that despite her rough attitude, there is good inside her, and that she wants her to use her powers for good, not evil.
Her body us able to absorbs heat and light, and she is powered by starlight and sunlight. When she absorbes enough, her body is able to glow. Centau has very warm body heat that radiates around her, and she is able to summon light so strong, it can actually blind and burn others.