Trixie, being the attention whore she is, would more than likely to pop out a few children because of bad decisions. Firstly, she had a fling with Pharynx. They had a few romps in the bed, which resulted in Compound and Spiracle, twins. She thought because of these new additions to her life, Pharynx would inevitably fall head over hooves for her- but he didn’t. He went off into a new relationship, leaving Trixies ego broken.
After that, feeling at a low point she flung herself at Hoo’far, a fellow traveler and the father of Ruse. They actually started dating after the birth of the little one, but it soon dissolved again after Trixie found Hoo’far cheating on her.
She made her way back to ponyville and tried to make herself better for the benefit of her kids. With Starlight dealing with a new foal left Trixie to hang out with Maud Pie more. And she really liked it. Maud worked well with her kids, showing them jewels and rocks to tell about how they were created. Falling head over hooves for this monotone mare was not her intention, but she was hesitant to express her infatuation. Surprisingly, Maud was the first to tell Trixie how she liked her and the unicorn quickly showered her love apon her new gf. Soon enough they want a little baby of their own and with the help of Twilight, they make Enchanted Pearl, but the spell went wrong and she came out as white and a pegasus.