Page 985 - Serendipitous SlapstickIt doesn’t happen often, but one of my favorite interactions as a DM is:
Players: “We’re going to do something crazy and stupid and awesome! Take that!”
Me (thinking): (Wait, that perfectly ties into something I was wanting to do and takes care of a few loose threads I was worried about in the process. Sweet!) “<sigh> Oh darn. Roll those wacky dice, I guess.”
DM: Wait wait wait. One more time. Your idea is to roll Applejack’s Dexterity… and Pinkie Pie’s Athletics… to “accidentally” “stage dive” onto AJ’s cart, precisely catapulting all that food across the room… onto Blueblood and his tailored suit, so Rarity has an excuse to break away while he cleans up. Is all of that, somehow, the plan?
Pinkie Pie: YEP!!
Applejack: I dunno… When you say it like that…
DM: Actually, that could be perfect…
Applejack: Huh?!
DM: Go for it.
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