
This is an update to a previous project. It’s amazing to look at just how far we’ve come, and realize this is still only the beginning of even more. We haven’t even had the wide release feature yet, and there will most likely be even more after that!
The episodes are in production order, as opposed to any sort of timeline (that would be a nightmare to put together) or air dates. Basically, it’s in the order the crew intended to make them, regardless of the order in which Hasbro ultimately aired them.

safe2260086 artist:sploich13 edit171913 edited screencap85800 screencap294052 angel bunny11676 apple bloom64393 applejack212402 babs seed6788 big macintosh35610 bon bon19818 carrot cake2557 cheerilee11775 cheese sandwich5139 cherry jubilee1289 chickadee960 cloudy quartz1896 coco pommel7596 coloratura3714 cranky doodle donkey1228 daring do7422 diamond tiara12935 discord39136 flam2497 flash sentry15690 flim2620 fluttershy274137 garble2243 gilda11894 granny smith6220 harry613 igneous rock pie1179 iron will1479 lemon hearts2583 lightning dust5543 limestone pie6710 lyra heartstrings35903 marble pie9014 mare do well1083 maud pie15781 minuette7122 moondancer6526 ms. peachbottom962 neon lights1038 opalescence2456 owlowiscious2260 photo finish3118 pinkie pie271250 prince rutherford891 princess cadance43477 princess celestia119384 princess luna124198 rainbow dash295984 rarity230272 rising star1009 sassy saddles1413 sci-twi32998 scootaloo62431 shining armor29908 silver spoon8623 smooze912 spike96166 spike the regular dog3168 starlight glimmer63817 sunset shimmer85405 suri polomare1514 sweetie belle60647 sweetie drops19817 tank3273 tree hugger3635 trixie83175 trouble shoes1462 twilight sparkle373851 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152180 twinkleshine2723 unicorn twilight28030 winona3037 zecora11756 buffalo752 diamond dog4168 dog13200 donkey2656 dragon114706 earth pony630580 griffon37418 parasprite2300 pegasus698780 pony1926336 unicorn689268 zebra25632 a bird in the hoof887 a canterlot wedding3509 a dog and pony show758 a friend in deed928 amending fences1450 apple family reunion1193 applebuck season1059 baby cakes788 bats!1910 bloom and gloom1132 boast busters1325 bridle gossip931 brotherhooves social597 call of the cutie838 canterlot boutique1143 castle mane-ia1003 castle sweet castle1479 crusaders of the lost mark1808 daring don't1168 do princesses dream of magic sheep1393 dragon quest1066 dragonshy1140 equestria games (episode)911 equestria girls272269 fall weather friends905 family appreciation day629 feeling pinkie keen1026 filli vanilli1361 flight to the finish950 for whom the sweetie belle toils995 friendship games14770 friendship is magic4081 games ponies play1207 green isn't your color1077 griffon the brush off918 hearthbreakers1322 hearts and hooves day (episode)862 hurricane fluttershy1166 inspiration manifestation952 it ain't easy being breezies1008 it's about time907 just for sidekicks1067 keep calm and flutter on1229 leap of faith726 lesson zero1752 look before you sleep1046 luna eclipsed1821 made in manehattan804 magic duel2437 magical mystery cure2810 make new friends but keep discord2316 may the best pet win951 mmmystery on the friendship express780 one bad apple1512 over a barrel913 owl's well that ends well521 party of one1370 party pooped901 pinkie apple pie1121 pinkie pride1669 ponyville confidential1101 princess spike (episode)758 putting your hoof down921 rainbow falls1749 rainbow rocks20215 rarity investigates1315 rarity takes manehattan1544 read it and weep802 season 12789 season 22049 season 31242 season 43224 season 51924 secret of my excess882 simple ways1464 sisterhooves social815 sleepless in ponyville1415 slice of life (episode)2026 somepony to watch over me931 sonic rainboom (episode)1283 spike at your service1180 stare master784 suited for success1041 swarm of the century870 sweet and elite1029 tanks for the memories1629 testing testing 1-2-31542 the best night ever1793 the crystal empire3141 the cutie map4427 the cutie mark chronicles1138 the cutie pox731 the cutie re-mark3587 the last roundup1263 the mane attraction1321 the mysterious mare do well802 the one where pinkie pie knows973 the return of harmony2249 the show stoppers671 the super speedy cider squeezy 6000933 the ticket master1222 three's a crowd1482 too many pinkie pies2075 trade ya1009 twilight time965 twilight's kingdom3467 what about discord?816 winter wrap up1364 wonderbolts academy1543 background pony11879 collage2009 cutie mark62392 equestria games449 female1711947 filly98784 flim flam brothers1479 hearth's warming eve1617 hearts and hooves day2807 image macro39590 male514613 mare925099 meme95593 my little pony logo6571 quartzrock385 sonic rainboom1312 stallion183254 wall of tags6063


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