ZackTheRiolu (formerly known as Mystervore88) made a vorish Applejack character for M.U.G.E.N., a free fighting game engine, some years back. You can download the character at the source and play with her if you want to.
It’s a cartoony take on pony vore that’s actually playable, but perhaps a bit obscure, so I wanted to share a representative sample here of how the character’s key vore moves look to let others enjoy a bit of the fun. /)
I edited this GIF together by concatenating several ripped animations from the character data and lining up all their positions in a GIF editor (they’re all different pixel resolutions…) to match how the game engine would arrange them.
This is the sequence of animations shown in this GIF:
Vore Attempt: AJ throws a lasso to try and snag prey.
Vore Success: AJ yoinks her ensnared target into her mouth, swallows, and holds her catch in her belly.
The belly hold animation isn’t looped here but can loop in-game.
In-game, prey takes damage in this state until they break out, are regurgitated, or their health depletes to zero.
Digest: AJ absorbs the remains of her defeated prey.
Standing Animation: the prey’s all gone~ (idle state)
Standing Animation: yes, I put it in twice
Imagine that rope snagging any prey/food/“food” of your liking. 🍽️
There are other animations in this character and several other pony predator characters floating around. You can use Fighter Factory Studio to extract them if you’re so inclined.
This character is based on a non-vore Applejack character for M.U.G.E.N. made by TylorTheHedgehog, which itself was based on sprites from the fan game “Fighting is Magic”.
Note: some of the frame timings got messed up during the editing but I only realized after uploading. -_- I may reupload a fixed version later.